lundi 28 septembre 2009

Class Two: Headlines, Organizing an aricle & Comparing

What we did in class this week (28 Sept 2009):
This week we started with a review of your "Formal" descriptions. We noted that there was specific vocabulary associated with a more formal style such as "owing to, moreover, henseforth, indeed and return (instead of "come back")".

Look at this website (among many others) for further examples of "formal vs. informal" writing styles,

By the way, some historically latinate forms are considered more formal than anglo-germanic forms.
Here are some links to the history of the English language: (above picture borrowed from this site)

Putting articles in order
Then, in groups you pieced together an article which had been cut into individual paragraphs. For the most part, you were successful in reordering the paragraphs and putting them into a logical order.

For more practice at this VERY ESSENTIAL WRITING SKILL, please do more individual work at

1) Compare the three articles given to you in groups about the same subject, smoking consequences and bans.
(ps: two more articles are provided, but they are optional)

2) Analyse the texts by asking, "What is the target audience of the article?" (what kind of newspaper or magazine would you find this article in?), "How can you identify through grammar or vocabulary what the target audience is?"

3) Finally, write a short article (100-150 words) about the same subject - smoking bans and/or warnings - and indicate clearly what target audience you have chosen to address.

Next week
We will correct your essays in smaller groups. If you want to bring in a dictionary or thesaurus you may.

Also, keep up the good work of writing a little bit EVERY DAY in your own notebooks.

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